Pandemic Conversations - Q Ideas /Q Ideas
Pandemic Conversations

Pandemic Conversations

At Q Ideas Annual Culture Summit

At Q Ideas, we strive to provide leaders and influencers with a wide range of viewpoints on critical issues of the day. By presenting multiple perspectives, it means participants may not agree with every talk or speaker on our platforms, but that’s the purpose—we want to help Christians see the complexity of each issue so that, whatever your viewpoint, you can engage this cultural moment well.

We are confident the thoughtful leaders who attend our events are wise and discerning enough to hear and process multiple divergent perspectives while ultimately deciding for themselves what they believe. This has been our model for the past 15 years, as we’ve hosted well-rounded discussions on critical topics such as racism and reparations, marijuana, politics, life issues (such as abortion and euthanasia), technology, and more.

This year’s Culture Summit was no different as we engaged four different and sometimes opposing voices on how Christians can think well about the current state of the pandemic. Hear each of their perspectives below

Vaccine Hesitancy | Dr. Francis Collins, National Institutes of Health

National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins encourages every American—and especially Christians—to take the covid vaccine.

When Science Conflicts | Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Harvard Medical School

Renown epidemiologist and vaccine safety evaluator Martin Kulldorff shares what the scientific community has gotten right—and wrong—throughout the pandemic

Questioning Journalism | Alex Berenson, Journalist & Author

Former New York Times journalist Alex Berenson discusses the role of facts, reporting, journalistic integrity and public trust throughout the pandemic.

The Impact of Lockdowns | Naomi Riley, American Enterprise Institute

Child welfare expert Naomi Schaefer Riley challenges us to consider the negative impacts of lockdowns on children and adults.

Want to Engage More Conversations Like These?

Want to Engage More Conversations Like These?

These four talks come from the Culture Summit, the fifteenth annual conference hosted by Q Ideas, where no topics is off-limits, and we’re not afraid to ask difficult questions. Stream all eight sessions—including talks on gender and identity, progressive Christianity, revival in the next generation, activism and justice, and so much more—when you purchase a digital pass for $49.